Quilter’s Name: Beth Shepherd from Bear, Delaware
Name of Pattern: Based on The Little Ghost Who Was A Quilt
Featured Date: 09-11-24

Hi, I’m Beth. I’m showing my quilt that was inspired by the book “The Little Ghost Who Was A Quilt.” It’s a delightful story about a ghost made of a quilt instead of a sheet, sharing all the challenges and adventures he encounters. I found this just in in time for Halloween. This has been a fun gift for the grandkids. My grandson Cooper is assisting me in the photo.
I have vivid memories of my first introduction to sewing was as a young girl, around the age of 6 or 7. Watching my mom make my school clothes for the year, I learned the ins and outs of the sewing machine and how she would troubleshoot the machine. This not only gave me valuable bonding time with my mom but also ensured that I never had the same outfit as anyone else in my class. Over the years, I progressed to tying quilts with friends an giving them as gifts, then making my clothes in high school. Also sewed and made quilts for my kids and now the grandkids.
When I retired from the military, that is when I started becoming more serious about piecing and quilting quilts, so off and on I have been involved in sewing for the last fifty years, and I can confidently say that it really brings me joy!

Recently, when I discovered this cute little book, The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt. This book inspired me to create a ghost quilt for my grandson, and then I incorporated both the book and the quilt to introduce and talk about Halloween. Needless to say, he adored both the book and the quilt.
The quilt was quite easy and quick to put together. It’s comprised of 5-inch flannel squares, totaling 88 squares, with one orange square representing the spilled ice cream on the ghost. I used my long arm to quilt the quilt myself using a stippling pattern.
Thanks so much!
Beth Shepherd

P.S. You’re invited to the Missouri Star Quilt Co. Halloween Party on October 18 and 19 in Hamilton, Missouri! Author of The Little Ghost Who Was A Quilt, Riel Nason, will be attending and signing books! She will also be leading a walking parade of Little Quilts! So bring your quilt and walk in the parade with us! It’s going to be so fun!
Remember, you can submit YOUR project to Quilt & Tell or Sew & Tell! Learn how to enter here!
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My friend in Ottawa also had book ..did quilt but found lites to go behind the eyes ..awesome