Sewist’s Name: Carletta from the Carolinas
Type of Project: Totes and Garments
Pattern: Original Designs
Featured Date: 9-20-23
Hi, I am Carletta from the Carolinas! I love designing clothes out of recycled plastic bags. I also enjoy making reusable tote bags. These bags won’t make it to the landfill! I am doing my part for global warming. The jacket pictured below is made from plastic grocery bags, as are the reusable grocery totes.
I have been quite busy making quilts to submit in the county fair but would like to share my fabric art. We hold classes in Latta, SC. If anyone is interested please stop by Latta High School.

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How can I get the instructions or patterns to reuse grocery bags like Carletta from the Carolinas did?
Loved Carletta’s bags and jacket! I have made small purses & totes out of candy bags.