My name is Bobbi Biddle and have been sewing for over 50 years. Thirty of those in a home based business of alterations and new construction. Throughout the years I have found time to sew quilts, pillowcases, baby blankets and hygiene pads for missionaries to take to foreign fields.
In 2016 I developed an autoimmune disease, NMO, that caused me to close my business. However I couldn’t stop sewing. I have continued to sew items to donate.
We downsized and moved to a smaller home in the fall of 2022. Now my sewing area was relegated to a much smaller room and the last room to be get set up. However I needed to sew! When I received my MSQC Block book in November I was intrigued by the QAYG (quilt as you go) Octagon Nine Patch pattern. I had made similar quilts with circles. Remembering I had a box of 2” squares we set up my sewing machine table amongst the unopened boxes, cabinets and supplies. I adapted the pattern to use my 2” squares. It also was my goal not to have to buy any fabric since I have a large stash. I almost accomplished that.
The pink and green quilt was the first one I made. I felt it needed some batting since it was winter while I was making it. I backed the center nine patch with batting. The second blue quilt I used a decorative stitch. I remembered I had a box of fabric for I Spy blocks so the centers of the third quilt’s nine patch is an I Spy item.
The second and third quilt did not have batting. I also changed how I used the fusible interfacing. I put the smooth side of the fusible against the right side of the octagon. When it was turned inside out I could iron the block flat. I sewed around the center block of the nine patch before making my rows.
My quilts are 40” square. Just right for a baby. I have found a local pregnancy center to donate them to. I so enjoyed adapting this pattern to meet the materials I had available. My sewing room is almost set up now and can’t wait to try something else.
Bobbi Biddle
Jeremiah 33:3

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I would love to have the pattern for Paula’s quilt “Memories”