Sewist’s Name: Rosemary Byrne from Petaluma, California
Name of Pattern: Online tutorials
Featured Date: 10-16-24
Hi, I’m Rosemary Byrne! I’m a 73-year-old grandmother –a typical quilter and sewing fanatic. I’ve made lots of quilts for family, friends, and donations, plus clothing, bags of all sorts, purses, and many other useful and/or unusual items–I mean, really, how useful is a bowl shaped like a chicken? But I couldn’t resist making one for my daughter who has chickens. (She very kindly does put eggs in it but I’m sure that’s purely for my benefit.) If it can be made with fabric, I’ll give it a go!

I will be attending a Girl Camper campout in a couple of weeks at which we will have our own “craft fair.” I have made some pillows and small wall hangings with appliqued camping scenes to sell to fellow Girl Campers and hope to complete several more before the event. These are time-consuming–lots of little pieces to trace, fuse, and stitch down, but they are fun, cute, and best of all, use even tiny scraps from my scrap boxes.

Credit: These were inspired by a YouTube video on the PayItForward channel, How to Make a Camper Mini-quilt, where I found templates that I used for my first two pillows.
This week, I made one Halloween-themed camping scene. I think I got carried away and made it too cluttered, but it was fun to do. I cut out bits –crows, bats, pumpkins–from the fabric I used for the borders.

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These are fantastic projects! The Chicken Bowl made me smile and the Halloween-themed camping scene made me smile bigger. You do really good work.