Quilter’s Name: Dorrie Warner from Manassas, Virginia
Name of Pattern: Based on Pattern from Whole Country Caboodle
Featured Date: 10-09-24
Hi! I’m Dorrie Warner and I wanted to share the quilt I made for the benefit of Animal Rescue Shelters. I make quilts for shelters to raffle for care of shelter pets until they find their forever homes.

I live in Manassas, Virginia and love to make quilts and tote bags for rescue animal shelters to raffle. I started making quilts for The Pet Assistance League of Virginia which is a small foster based shelter to raffle to help pay for vet bills, food purchase and general care for dogs and cats waiting to be adopted. Because I don’t have the means to make large donations, I figured if I could make something for them to sell raffle tickets for, it would hopefully bring in money and bring awareness to the shelter and what they do everyday to help homeless animals. The first quilts brought in about $1200.00 which was amazing. Since then I have also done a fund raising tent at our yearly Christmas festival with different pet-themed items. The quilt I sent a picture of is being donated to the Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue here in Virginia and will be raffled in November, 2024. They are very excited and so am I. Fingers crossed that it does well. (If you are interested in the raffle and would like to buy a ticket or learn more about the cause, please visit https://cockerspanielrescue.com.
The panel in the quilt and the animal blocks are by Henry Glass “Next Stop Home”
The pattern is based on the pattern by Leanne Anderson and Kaytlyn Kuebler on the website “The Whole Country Caboodle”.
I love Leanne Anderson, Henry Glass, Timeless Treasures and so many of the pet designs. I try to work in fabric from all over to fill out the design with a couple of applique blocks. I usually make up my own quilt design (which takes several tries do to math issues with my old brain), but I find my inspiration from other quilts and from magazines (such as old Nancy’s Notions catalogs which featured so many beautiful quilt designs.)
My Mom and Grandmother were my teachers beginning at age 10. I watched them on days when they made quilts for family members and they helped me make my first quilt which was wonky applique horses. I love old quilts and all the history that they encompass, the stories that they tell and memories made. The finished quilt always amazes me even though I’m the one making it. I purchased a used long-arm machine and now have my sister quilting the finished hand-piecing, so it’s a family affair. They are not always perfect, but a lot of love and heart are included in each quilt. Whatever you make is going to be something special to the person receiving it because it is unique, made with care and love and so rewarding to the person who makes it too. I always tell people, if I can do this, so can you!
Thank you for sharing so many ideas and fulfilled dreams!

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