This Five Fat Quarter Shower Curtain is so much fun to make, you will want to make more than one! It’s a great way to put a personal touch in your bathroom decor. Buy fat quarters to match your color scheme or decide to buy some holiday fat quarters and make a special shower curtain to use during the holiday season! There are so many options – you’re going to have a blast making these shower curtains! And the pattern is FREE! Woot woot! (Who doesn’t love a free pattern, right??) You can find the free printable pdf for this Five Fat Quarter Shower Curtain by clicking here.
To make this pattern, it is recommended to use the No Hassle Triangle Gauge by Nancy Zieman for Clover. This is an awesome tool for making half-square triangles. You can find it by clicking here or on the picture below.

You can find it here.
Happy sewing! Make a shower curtain and send in pictures to Sew & Tell on Nancy’s Notions! We would all love to see what you have made! Learn more about Sew & Tell here.
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