Sewing machine needles can be confusing. There are a lot of numbers on the packages. …
Beth Cooper
Beth Cooper
Beth Cooper has been quilting for over twenty years. She has made too many quilts to count and has a million more on standby. Besides quilting, she loves to act and direct community theater productions, dream about Christmas, and spend time with her husband and three kids. She also loves to do historical portrayals of Jane Stickle, the now-famous Civil War quilter. Her three cats insist on supervising all of her sewing projects.
Let’s answer the age-old question: Which came first? The color orange or the fruit orange? …
Is there anything prettier than a row of fabric bolts full of 1930s reproduction fabrics? …
Raise your hand if you love cotton fabric! Yep. All quilters love cotton! Have you …
Are your scraps taking over your sewing room? Are they multiplying like rabbits every time …
Does this sound familiar? You spend hours piecing together quilt blocks, but they end up …